Biogas plants
using straw

Biogas plants using straw

Straw becomes suitable for biogas production after a pre-treatment. Especially biogas production out of straw is feasible in countries with the hot climate, where straw is cheap, not used for heating during winters and mainly burned in the fields. Such countries are, for example, Spain, Greece, Egypt, Turkey, Brazil, India.


Straw is an alternative to maize silage

Agricultural companies usually think about growing maize for silage, when thinking about building a biogas plant. With this approach, land can be used either to produce grain or silage. However, with new straw preparation technology, there is an alternative to silage. An enterprise can double the benefits from their land: both grain and biogas from straw. Substrates suitable for biogas processing are wheat straw, sunflower straw, rice straw, paddy straw, bagasse and corn stover.

Untreated straw is not digested at all. But a combination of 2 processes allow to produce biogas from 100% straw.

There are extra expences for the pre-treatment machinery itself and for the maintenance. But that expences are justified because after the pretreatment biogas yeilds reach 430-450 m3 raw biogas from 1 tonne of straw.

  1. Pelleting

    Pelleting is a straw pretreatment. It's a thermal pressing. Pelleting removes lignin carcas from fibres.

  2. High-load reactors (HLR)

    In HLR the total solid inside of the reactors is 16-18%. This is the only known biogas reactor technology, that can work with 100% straw

    For every 1 tonne of straw addition 0,5 tonne water is required. But after digestion there is no liquide effluent. There are only gas and solid fertilizers.

Processing technologies

Zorg Biogas implemented a straw-to-biogas project using steam explosion and processing the prepared straw in high-load reactors in Teofipol-4.

The straw productivity is 150 tons per day. The electric power of the biogas plant is 6 MW.

Proposal 60 000 tonnes straw per year into 14,5 million m3 biomethane

To calculate a commercial proposal for a biogas plant, please fill out the questionnaire for grain producers.

Zorg Biogas’s plants for this industry


Khmelnitski-3 and -4. The biggest biogas plant in the world!

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