Low temperature heat-to-power unit
Price on request
The low-temperature module converts heat of hot water into electric power. Heat is delivered from an engine jacket cooling or from exhaust gases of a gen set to the ORC module via a preheater/evaporator unit, which cools the 95°C hot water in a primary circuit. Silicone thermal oil serves as a working fluid for preheating and evaporating in a secondary circuit. Steam enters a twin-screw device, the main unit of an ORC system, in which steam is cooled down. The released energy is converted into the rotation energy. After steam has passed through the screw device, it enters an oil separator and then a condenser, where it condenses. The condensation heat of the working fluid is removed to an air-cooled condenser. ORC modules allow to increase electric power of a plant to 9% gross or 6,5% net.
Technical Details
Complete set
Electrical efficiency, %:
Technical Details
Electrical efficiency, %: