Biogas plants
at fruit and vegetable processing

Biogas plants at fruit and vegetable processing

Vegetable and fruit processing plants generate waste: peelings, slices of fruits and vegetables as well as pulp. All these types of waste are substrates to use in biogas plants.


Fuel for boilers

The recycling of fruit and vegetable waste into biogas for the direct replacement of natural gas, bunker oil, or liquefied gas in a factory boiler-house significantly reduces cost of production. One can also install an additional generator to sell electricity to the grid. Without a generator, capital costs for a biogas plant are lower. Therefore, direct replacement in boilers is better solution for a plant in continuous rather than seasonal operation.

  1. Juice and puree plants

    It especially makes sense to build biogas plants for juice plants in the tropics, where vegetables and fruits grow all year round, and where there is no seasonality in the plant's operation. If there is seasonality, fruit and vegetable pulp must be silaged to enable year-round operation of the biogas plant.

  2. Pumpkin processing plants

    In pumpkin processing plants, the main product is seeds. Pumpkin flesh is usually left in the field. After pumpkin juice and puree processing, the waste is pulp. Pulp and flesh processing into biogas can generate income comparable to the income from seeds. Thus, the return on land can be twice as high. No gas is used in pumpkin seed production.

    Therefore, the preferred option is electricity generation. In the case of pumpkin juice and puree, gas replacement in boilers may be the better option. And the flesh must be silaged to enable year-round operation.

  3. Starch factories

    In potato and tapioca starch factories, the waste are pulp, potatoes, and tapioca peelings. Such plants operate year-round and consume gas in boiler plants. Biogas can replace fossil fuels and reduce energy consumption 75-100%.

Companies in need for biogas

Waste from vegetable and fruit processing are pulp, peelings, and the flesh of fruit and vegetables.

Zorg Biogas implemented a biogas plant for Rugani Carrots, South Africa. The plant produces carrots for supermarkets, carrot and pumpkin juice, and baby food.

Waste from the plant production is vegetable pulp and peelings. These are processed into biogas which replaces the liquefied gas in the factory boiler. Processing of vegetable and fruit pulp in general is similar to processing of sugar beet pulp. And "Zorg Biogas" has completed multiple beet pulp projects.

To calculate your offer for a biogas plant, please fill out a questionnaire for juice and puree plants.

Zorg Biogas’s plants for this industry



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